GSoC-2011- Apache Tuscany

Here's few samples generated by Apache Tuscany Composite Diagram Generator, which is designed and implemented by me, under GSoC-2011. My mentor was Jean-Sebastien Delfino, who helped me a lot and made me take decisions that sounds right to me. All the developers at Tuscany helped me a lot answering my questions, especially Ant Elder, Luciano Resende and Raymond Feng. Thank you very much all.

Here's the Tuscany JIRA issue for more clear SVG diagrams and HTML pages.

Apache Batik is used for SVG diagram generation. Will provide more information on the project in depth, when I finished my final semester work in Uni (i.e. around October).

Example 1:

MyValueCompositeMyValueServiceComponentcurrencymyValueServicestockQuoteServicecustomerServiceStockQuoteMediatorComponentcurrencySQMediatorstockQuoteServiceSubtractServiceComponentSubtractServiceMultiplyServiceComponentMultiplyServicecurrencyMyValueServiceCustomerServiceStockQuoteServiceIncluded Composites Calculator ,

Example 2:
