Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Google Summer of Code- 2010 - A Moment of thrill

Finally the 26th of April came after waiting for sometime. The nervousness was maximum. Google planned to announce the names of the students who are accepted by UTC 19:00 (00:30 on April 27th from SL time(GMT +5:30)).

It was exactly 00:16, I saw a tiny window appearing at the right bottom of my screen, subjected "Congratulations !!", I murmured "Oh My God !! (with full of excitement)" and rushed to my gmail tab. Yeppy, I was thrilled with happy, after seen the mail (I have no words to express my feelings) from GSoC Admin team. Here I quote from that mail:

Dear Nirmal,

Congratulations! Your proposal "Apache Derby-4587- Add tools for improved analysis and understanding of query plans and execution statistics" as submitted to "Apache Software Foundation" has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2010. ...........

The happy I got doubled after seen many of my colleagues also got through it. At about 00:30 I refreshed the GSoC web site and got confirmed my acceptance after seen the list of accepted students.

Following are the statistics:

CSE-Batch-07: 12 students
CSE-Batch-06: 10 students
CSE : 22 students

ENTC-Batch-07: 1 student

IT Faculty: 3 (not confirmed)

You can find my proposal to Apache Derby from here.
Here are some comments I received for my proposal.

Your proposal looks very good to me, thanks for letting me preview it. I think it is well written and clear.



I do not have any specific technical input, but wanted to say that I think this is a very good and thoughtful proposal and appreciate your efforts to provide this capability for Derby. I also think your interaction with the community has been very focussed, relevant and and shows good technical understanding.


Few days before this day (26th of April), I was asked to submit my ICLA to The ASF, normally only major contributors get this chance to become an Apache committer, this implied some things to happen in the future, but I didn't take it that seriously.

This is the mail I received from my mentor as a reply to my thanking mail to him.

Congratulations! I am pleased. Several other members of the community voted positively on your application, as they felt that you had been working well in the community this spring.

I hope that you will have a productive and rewarding experience, and I'm looking forward to helping you with the project over the summer!


First and foremost I would like to thank Almighty God for bestowing his eternal blessings on me. Next to my mentor for this project Mr. Bryan Pendleton for the enormous support he gave me throughout this period, and I hope to get his help for a successful completion of the project. It's my duty to thank the Derby community, for the helpfulness and commitment they showed, it's a privilege to be a member of this wonderful community. Sincere thanks to the Head of Department, and the dearest staff members for guiding us to reach the success. To my dear colleagues who encouraged me a lot. Last but not least I would like to thank my family for the remarkable support they gave to me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My GSoC-2010 Proposal

GSoC-2010-ProposalByNirmalFernando -