A connection debug object would be accumulated during request processing, but make use only if the connection encounters issues during processing.
C2E: Client to ESB
E2C: ESB to Client
E2S: ESB to back-end Server
S2E: back-end Server to ESB
Log | Meaning |
C2E-Req-ConnCreateTime | Time that the client created a connection with ESB. |
C2E-Req-StartTime | Time that the ESB started processing the client request. |
C2E-Req-EndTime | Time that the ESB finished processing the client request. |
C2E-Req-URL | This is the request URI obtained from the request line of a request from client to ESB. The Request-URI is a Uniform Resource Identifier and identifies the resource upon which to apply the request. [1] |
C2E-Req-Protocol | This is the protocol version obtained from the request line of a request from client to ESB. |
C2E-Req-Method | This is the method token obtained from the request line of a request from client to ESB. (eg: GET, POST etc. [1]) |
C2E-Req-IP | Remote Client IP address where the request came from. |
C2E-Req-Info | HTTP header of the request from client to ESB. |
E2C-Resp-Start | Upon the request from client, ESB sends out a response back to the client. This is the time that the ESB started to send the response. |
E2C-Resp-End | This is the time that the ESB completed sending the response. |
E2S-Req-Start | Start time of the last request sent from ESB to a back-end server. |
E2S-Req-End | Completion time of the request sent from ESB to a back-end server. |
E2S-Req-ConnCreateTime | Time that the ESB created a connection with a back-end server. |
E2S-Req-URL | URI of the back-end service (EndpointReference) that the last request is headed to. |
E2S-Req-Protocol | This is the protocol version obtained from the request line of the last request from ESB to back-end server. |
E2S-Req-Method | This is the method token obtained from the request line of the last request from ESB to back-end server. (eg: GET, POST etc. ) |
E2S-Previous-Attempts | This provides details on the previous request sent by ESB to the back-end server. |
S2E-Resp-Start | Time that the ESB receives a response from a back-end server. |
S2E-Resp-End | Time that the ESB complete processing a response from a back-end server. |
S2E-Resp-Status | This is the status line of the response received by the ESB. The first line of a Response message is the Status-Line, consisting of the protocol version followed by a numeric status code and its associated textual phrase, with each element separated by SP characters. |
S2E-Resp-Info | HTTP header of the response from the back-end server to ESB. |
Total-Time | (E2C-Resp-End) - (C2E-Req-StartTime) |
Svc-Time | (S2E-Resp-End) - (E2S-Req-Start) |
ESB-Time | (Total-Time) - (Svc-Time) |
- You can find conversion patterns of logs etc. in “log4j.properties” file located at “{$ESB_HOME}/lib” folder.
- You can find log files inside “{$ESB_HOME}/repository/logs” folder.
- You can see HTTP headers and messages if you add “log4j.logger.org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.wire=DEBUG” line into your “log4j.properties” file.
- You can set the log level of org.apache.synapse to DEBUG, to enable debugging for mediation.
- Please see [2] for various log4j conversion patterns.